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Health Care Drop

Product Image (ted)

Tea energy drop

Price: 40 INR

Tea energy drop pkg size = 30ml

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Spirulina drop

Price: 40 INR

Spirulina drop pkg size = 30ml

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Amla drop

Price: 35 INR

Amla drop pkg size = 30ml

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safed musli drop

Price: 45 INR

safed musli drop pkg size = 30ml

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Alkline mineral drop

Price: 45 INR

Alkline mineral drop pkg size = 30ml

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Moringa Drop

Price: 40 INR

Moringo drop pkg size = 30ml

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Flex seed drop

Price: 45 INR

Flex seed drop pkg size = 30ml

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Antiaddiction drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Antiaddiction drop pkg size = 30ml minimum quantity =100

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Gojiberry drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Gojiberry drop packing size =30ml Brand = sovam

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Wheatgrass Drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Wheatgrass drop packing size = 30ml

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Giloy drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Giloy drop packing size = 30ml minimum quantity = 100

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Liver drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

liver care drop packing size = 30ml pkg type = drop

Product Image (acd1)

Acidity Care Drop

Price: 35 INR

Acidity care drop packing size = 30ml

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Grape seed extract drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Grape seed extract drop pkg size = 30ml minimum quantity = 100

Product Image (nd1)

Noni drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Noni drop packing size = 30ml

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Digestive drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

digestive drop pkg size = 30ml

Product Image (A21)

Antidiabetes drop

Price: 40 INR/Piece

Pkg size = 30ml

Product Image (HAD-0304)

Herbal Aloe Vera Drop

Price: 55 INR/Piece

Herbal Aloe vera Drop

Product Image (SAD-0101)

Aloevera Drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Aloe Vera is considered to be a miracle for health due to numerous benefits from health to nutrition

Product Image (SLD-0101)

Liver Care Drop

Price: 50 INR

Liver care contains natural herbs which may support overall good thyroid functioning, help the body to adapt to stressful situations .

Product Image (HCD-0101)

Hair Care drops

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Hair care drop is formulated with blend of herbs such as phyllanthus miruri, foeniculum vulgare

Product Image (sad-0101)

Ashwagandha Drops

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has become one of the most popular Ayurvedic herbs in the Western world.

Product Image (SWD-0101)

Whetgrass drop

Price: 45 INR/Piece

The benefits of wheat grass are numerous, here are just a few of them. benefits. Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living

Product Image (SSC-0101)

Spirulina drops

Price: 65 INR

Spirulina is well known throughout the world as a source of nutrition and health promoting phytonutrients like vitamin.

Product Image (sds-0101)

Stevia Drops

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Liquid stevia can turn a boring bottel of water or virtually any other food or beverage into a flavorful, healthier experience

Product Image (LFD-0101)

Linden flower extract drops

Price: 45 INR

Astringent , Diuretic , sedative , relieves cold and coughs, high blood pressure -migraine in particular

Product Image (SAL-0101)

Alkline Mineral drops

Price: 65 INR/Piece

Perfect for alkaline and detox diets these pH booster drops are infused with 100%natural antioxidants and alkalizing .

Product Image (SMD-0101)

Musli power drops

Price: 65 INR/Piece

Musli power drops non hamonal safest vitalizer ,restrires energy.

Product Image (SGB-0101)

Ginkgo Biloba Drops

Price: 40 INR

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract 50:1 120mg - boost brain, memory and support sexual energy with premium Ginko biloba

Product Image (sac-0101)

Acidity Care Drops

Price: 35 INR

Acidity Care Drops. We are a leading supplier of Acidity Care Drops.

Product Image (SGB-0101)

Goji Berry Drops

Price: 40 INR/Piece

Protects the eyes. Studies have found that goji berries may help reduce the risk of glaucoma.

Product Image (SGD-0101)

Grapefruit seed extract drop

Price: 45 INR/Piece

Grape seed extract may help improve circulation and cholesterol, as well as reduce swelling from injury

Product Image (AGD-0101)

American Ginseng Drops

Price: 40 INR/Piece

American Ginseng is also extremely popular among people who live in warmer climates

Product Image (sad-0101)

Asthma care drops

Price: 65 INR/Piece

Asthma care drop can be effective for treating asthma and respiratory problems.

Product Image (SCD-0101)

Chlorophyll Drops

Price: 35 INR

It also has vitamins, antioxidants, and therapeutic properties that may benefit your body.

Product Image (SND-0101)

Noni Herbal Drops

Price: 45 INR

Noni Natura Drops manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in India. Get contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying.

Product Image (AAD-0101)

Anti Addiction Drops

Price: 65 INR

ANTI ADDICTION DROPS : It is a Natural Detoxifier; It Cleanses the Liver and kidney.

Product Image (SJC-0101)

Joint Care Drops

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Joints Care helps protect cartilage from degradation by providing nutritional support for healthy Joints

Product Image (SBD-0101)

Sea Buckthorn Drops

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Sea Buckthorn Drops is natural product comprised of pure and certified extract of organic berries of Sea Buckthorn

Product Image (SCMD-0101)

CMD Drops

Price: 45 INR

CMD (Concentrated Mineral Drops) is an exceptional source of minerals and trace elements in a natural, concentrated solution that enables you to easily and affordably mineral your own water.

Product Image (PTD-0101)

Panch Tulsi Drop

Price: 35 INR/Piece

Has a beneficial effect on mind and body and gives relaxation to mind and body. - Provides protection against fevers like Dengue, Malaria, Swine Flu etc. - Removes the impurities of blood and increases the immunity of human body.